SideMenu Guide

How to Add Menus to Sidebar

In your React-Typescript project, you can easily add menus to the sidebar by modifying the MENUITEMS array in the Sidebar.tsx (src\layouts\Component\SideBar\Sidebar.tsx) file. The sidebar will dynamically display the menus based on the contents of this array.

1 .Open Sidebar.tsx File:

Open the Sidebar.tsx (src\layouts\Component\SideBar\Sidebar.tsx) file in your React-Typescript project. This file contains the MENUITEMS array that defines the menus to be displayed in the sidebar.

To add the parent Menu Items:

Inside the MENUITEMS array, you can add your menu items using the following format:

  menutitle: "Your Menu Title",
  title: 'Your Component Title',
  selected: false,
  icon: 'icon-name',
  type: 'link', // or 'sub', 'mega-menu', 'external', 'empty'
  path: '/path-to-route', // Specify the route path for link type
  dirchange: false, change the direction from right to left .
  active: false,
  badge: 'badge-class', // (optional) Add a badge to the menu item
  badgetxt: 'Badge Text', // (optional) Text to display in the badge
To add the children Menu Items:

Inside the MENUITEMS array, you can add your menu items using the following format:

  menutitle: "Your Menu Title",
  title: 'Your Component Title',
  selected: false,
  icon: 'icon-name',
  type: 'link', // or 'sub', 'mega-menu', 'external', 'empty'
  active: false,
  dirchange: false, change the direction from right to left .
  badge: 'badge-class', // (optional) Add a badge to the menu item
  badgetxt: 'Badge Text', // (optional) Text to display in the badge
  children: [
   // (optional) Define child items for sub-menu or mega-menu type
     path: '/child-path',
     title: 'Child Menu Title',
     type: 'link',
     selected: false,
   // Add more child items if needed
  • menutitle: The display name of the menu.
  • title: The display name of the component.
  • selected: Set to true if this menu is currently selected.
  • icon: The icon to display next to the menu.
  • type: Specify the type of the menu item (link, sub, mega-menu, external, empty).
  • path: Specify the route path for link type menu.
  • Menusub: Set to true for sub-menu or mega-menu types.
  • dirchange: Set to rtl the styles.
  • active: Set to true to mark this menu as active.
  • badge (optional): CSS class for the badge.
  • badgetxt (optional): Text to display in the badge.
  • children: Define an array of child menu items for sub-menu or mega-menu type.
3 . Save the Changes:

After adding your menu items, save the changes made to the Sidebar.tsx (src\layouts\Component\SideBar\Sidebar.tsx) file.

4 . View Sidebar Changes:

The sidebar will now automatically display the added menu items based on the modifications you made in the MENUITEMS array.

By following these steps, you can easily customize and add menus to the sidebar of your React-Typescript project. The menus will be dynamically generated based on the content of the MENUITEMS array in the Sidebar.tsx file.